This vintage postcard shows the entrance to Shaw’s Hot Springs on the north edge of Carson City, Nevada in 1900. This old postcard gives a great view of life near a Western town like Carson City in the early 1900s.
We see a horse drawn wagon with covered fringe – probably an early version of cab to the resort. We also see the Spanish architecture and adobe buildings with semi-desert landscape surounding that is common for Nevada and other Western states.
The springs at Shaw’s have been a tourist attraction since 1894 when a resort was formed around them. The water in the springs is said to have recuperative powers with temperatures as high as 120°F and spray flying into the air to mist the bathers.
Known originally as Swift’s or Shaw’s Hot Springs, they are now referred to as Carson Hot Springs. Today, the recuperative waters of the springs are enjoyed in a pool, with water supplied to the pool pumped from a shallow well near the pump house to the north of the pool area.
The hot springs at Carson City, Nevada are a nice resort to visit while touring the surounding area which includes Lake Tahoe just up the mountain from Carson City; Reno, Nevada some twenty minutes drive north from Carson City; and Virginia City to the northeast.